Thursday 25 October 2012


Our Foundation Portfolio

So for our foundation portfolio, we are going to make an opening sequence of a fiction film with any theme to it for example thriller, romance etc. Our opening sequence needs to consist of- Two company logos- one is a distributor logo & the other is a production company logo which can be a made up logo, titles, the sequence has to last of 2 minutes. All video and audio material must be original with exception of music ( or you could create it yourself ) or audio effects which can be from a copyright free source. I will be working with Demi and Charlie to create our 2 minute opening sequence.

Comparing a Trailer & An Opening Sequence

Example of Trailer:
A trailer is a video that encourages people to watch this new film coming out. However, a trailer only shows the most important scenes and the ones that seem more intriguing than others, which help get people to watch it at the cinemas. It also shows the whole plot of the story and what's going to happen throughout, so in this film Wild Child it shows all the characters and all their personalities for example Poppy Moore is shown to be a bit of a spoilt brat who gets everything whereas the head of the Boarding School (Natasha Richardson) is shown to be a kind but strict character and would not tolerate Poppy's attitude to her new school. I've noticed in this film trailer that you get told who the main character is but you don't get told the story therefore the director is getting you to figure out what the main plot of the film is and what you think is going to happen; however it does give you clues.
 Example of Opening Sequence:
 An opening sequence is the beginning of a film, and only the beginning. There is no footage of any of the other parts of the film, in an opening sequence. The music in it helps provide the atmosphere and tension in the first section, for example in The Dark Night the music is a very low pitch which allows the audience to understand the theme and atmosphere and action that's going to happen in the rest of the film. Also it shows only some of the characters, not all of them so in The Dark Night only the villains are shown at the beginning.  However, you notice in this opening sequence it has not introduced us to the main character Batman/Bruce Wayne which is interesting as you can understand that the director wants you to understand who the enemies are and what they look like, but as you can hear them talking right at the beginning you don't know who The Joker is, until the end part. These questions build up interest in the audience as they want to know who the joker is, why are they all wearing masks, and why he is robbing this bank?