Thursday 13 December 2012

Three Potential Images for our Opening Sequence

This first picture shows the picture of the scary woods we could use for where the two guys say to the two girls to meet up but however get lost in it and unfortunately die in it. The spooky and intertwining branches show all in night time all the images and shadows it can pull, so they could possibly show ghosts, animals or humans from the weaving of the bushes. This woods can furthermore be used as camouflaging as there are so many branches and the colours are very neutral, showing that people could hide very well in these woods, but while hiding they can be watching people without them knowing. Evidently, the picture shows two paths that split from one big one. This can show which way to go and the directions but it can be spooky because if people step on the paths their footsteps can be seen so the characters would know which way people have gone.

This second image shows the path/road just before the woods. The trees at the side make this picture effective as they have been split up showing to the two girls that this is the way we get to the woods. This image makes us feel quite intimidated as it looks like an innocent woods with houses at the side showing its very suburban and friendly but actually it isn't as it witnesses murders and deaths. The fact that the path in the middle of bare trees shows it to very bleak but very welcoming, but you can imagine at night time in the cold where you can only hear the squeaking of the branches moving and the rustling of the leaves, it makes you feel like your not alone.
My third and final image shows the path next to the forest and next to the houses in the background. This icy cold setting is effective as the colours on the leaves symbolise a theme of death as the colours are bleak and this white ice colour is the same colour of someone when they have passed away. The bushes on the right show it to be very covered up with ice indicating that the bushes could be hiding something as all the spider webs and ice over the leaves are intertwining with each other. The track could show two images, one where it is leading into darkness where no one could see you. However, the houses in the distance of the track could show that there is a light at the end of the tunnel showing that there is safety close by; therefore showing that they can see you but they cant hear your screams.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

The Titles in an Opening Sequence

Plot Synopsis

Our opening sequence is based on the genre of 'Horror'.
It is about two girls (Me & Demi) who are going to meet up with two boys on a double date. However, Demi met this boy on Facebook so she has never met the guy before. So they organise to meet up by getting each others numbers and texting each other. His name is John, and he lures the two girls into the woods to meet him. When they reach the forest, they cant find them and get it lost, so they split up but then Megan heres a scream in the background so she runs. But then gets captured by the killer and John Slasher kills them both. The text messages before are very significant, as they show the mood swings he has and how he reacts to Demi in these text messages. They sum up the whole meaning of the opening sequence, is to be careful on the internet and only talk to people you know.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Initial Ideas for our Horror Opening Sequence

Audience Research 2 - Analysis through Pie Charts

These pie charts help me and my group understand what different people think about horror films. It gives a broader mind about what people expect to see in for example the title sequence or how they like a horror film to start off and end. We first of all got this data from our questionnaires that we gave out to 15 people, and it was a mix of different people. As you can see in the first pie chart the participants have mixed views and the chart has balanced out quite equally, whereas in the second pie chart (on the right) a lot more people like horror films than people who don't so it shows that a horror film is a popular film to do and most people like it. Going on to the third pie chart you can see that most people while watching horror films prefer the film to start off peaceful and then get into to the horror rather than watching it all frightening the whole way through. Lastly, on our last chart its quite balanced, as nearly half amount of people like either the titles to be in a 'bloody' effect or a 'scratched off' effect.

Audience Research - Vox Pops

 This is my group's(Me, Demi & Charlie) vox pops, which shows what our potential audience thought about horror films, what they expect to see in horror films and cliffhangers. As you can see their are a mixture of views on horror films. We asked different questions to do with horror films which were "Do you like horror films? and if so why?" , "What do you most expect when watching a horror film?" and "Do you a cliffhanger at the end of a film? if so why?" These three questions are all quite different and all relate to horror films and helps the audience not repeat themselves. All the answers we got back from the participants helped us decide the typical horror film and what they expect to see in them which makes them more viewable. Furthermore we got different views from different types of people meaning people who don't really like horror films to people who find them more interesting, but they all each their on own opinion on the type of film, which allowed us to understand what we need to put in our opening sequence. These opinions influenced our opening sequence as it allowed our group to understand what we had to do to effect the audience like this, and it has given us ideas how to make the audience feel uncomfortable and scared when watching it. Their thoughts and opinions count on our work as they are the people watching and judging what they see, and if it's scary they know its a horror film.

Saturday 8 December 2012