Thursday 21 March 2013

Question 6

6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

What technologies have you used?
This picture below shows all the different technologies i have used altogether. As you can see i have used a mixture of different technologies and have presented them in different and unique ways.

What technologies are brand new to you?

What technologies have allowed you to display your work in a creative way?
3 particular technologies have allowed me to display my work in a creative way, they are:

Prezi has helped me present my different posts and ideas effectively and creatively by showing all my ideas more visually on the prezi. It reminds me of a presentation but in a really unique way and you have enough room to write a lot of ideas as you can alter the size and font of the writing. In my opinion, i like using Prezi as it really helps me remember all the different information and facts from the bold pictures or colours Prezi has allowed me to use. At the same time you can add as many pictures as you want to make it more supervisual, and show the audience visually what you are talking about. Prezi creates a really effective way of  showing the different ideas for example earlier in my blog i did a Prezi about horror films in general and there was a halloween version. This was really clear on what i was talking about, and made even more sense to people reading it as they could visualise it.

The website Sliderocket is really helpful of making my blog supervisual as its basically a powerpoint being put on my blog. I find this easy as you can add so much information including pictures and changing the font. However, when using Sliderocket i find it difficult when writing it up, as when you want to put a lot of information you can only have a limit otherwise the writing will be to small and squished and you wont be able to read it. Otherwise apart from that, i believe Sliderocket really allows you to show a lot of information through pictures and a lot of writing. It gets the audience who are reading it more intrigued by what i am talking about.

Were there any times you had to do something again because you hadnt used the technology correctly?

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